From Challenges to Results – 12 Months of Tailored Coaching
This long-term program is for those seeking continuous guidance and support to build a sustainable business. Over 12 months, you will receive personal coaching and strategies to strengthen all areas of your business, from leadership and team building to marketing and sales.
With this comprehensive coaching program, you will gain insights and tools to navigate different phases of growth. Whether you are in the startup phase or expanding, I will help you create structures for long-term success.
Program Overview (12 months):
Individual meetings: 1 session per month (12 in total)
Meeting length: 60 minutes per session
Focus areas: Business development, leadership, strategic growth, team dynamics,
and personal development for entrepreneurs
Available languages: English or Swedish
Anna is a wonderful coach! I have been working under her guidance during the last year. She is a great business strategist, enabling me to better assess how to best prioritize, set realistic goals and set reasonable deadlines for achieving those goals. She always pays attention to details, her understanding of the process of building a brand is outstanding, and above all – she is a great motivator. Anyone would be lucky to have Anna as a business coach!
Åsa Trulsson
Founder Soldiser
Do you want to expand online, go global, and rapidly increase your sales?
My 12-week program is designed to provide entrepreneurs with the concrete tools and strategies needed to achieve rapid growth in new markets and sales channels. Through proven methods and personalized guidance, you will get support to quickly boost sales locally and internationally while taking your business to the next level.
Program Overview (12 weeks):
Individual sessions: Bi-weekly (6 in total)
Meeting length: 60 minutes per session
Available languages: English or Swedish
Program includes:
- Revenue, results, and budgeting
- Customer focus and branding
- Digitalization and sales channels
- Marketing, PR, and internationalization
- Team and organization, capital, and financing
Total time commitment (per entrepreneur):
Individual sessions: 6 sessions of 60 minutes = 6 hours
Independent work: Approximately 20-30 hours in total throughout the program, depending on tasks and market complexity.
This program provides you with the guidance and insights needed to accelerate your sales and create sustainable growth for your business – whether you are in the startup phase or ready to go global.
I had the good luck to have Anna as my coach last year. She was amazing!! She helped me structuring my company, looking more into numbers and helped me setting up my new website. She has a clear focus and looked from a different view into my company. That helped a lot! Besides that she is funny and fun to work with! We nearly doubled the sales!
I can recommend her from heart!
Kathi Goldscheider
CEO dieTShirt AG – minibag
About me
With over a decade of experience in e-commerce and Amazon sales, I am passionate about supporting entrepreneurs and companies as they expand globally. From law school to CEO of a multi-million-dollar company, co-founder, board member, author, and speaker, my career has been driven by a love for creating great customer experiences and navigating fast growth.
I specialize in online sales, international expansion, and strategic growth. As a coach, advisor, and board member, I help businesses scale with practical, customer-centric strategies that lead to sustainable success. I am the co-founder of Amzello and Femillo, an advocate for female entrepreneurs, and author of the management book Amazonkoden. I am also a proud member of the ICC Small Business Champions Network, helping amplify the voice of SMEs in the global economy.
If you are looking for board-level support, strategic advice, or a speaker for your next event, let us connect and explore how I can help you accelerate growth!
Jag har haft nöjet att ha Anna som mentor och kan varmt rekommendera henne. Hennes expertis täcker alla aspekter inom retail, och hennes styrka inom självledarskap gör henne till ett fantastiskt bollplank. Anna delar generöst med sig av sitt nätverk, hjälper till att styra i rätt riktning och är mycket måldriven. Hon pushar när det behövs och stöttar genom hela processen. Anna är tydlig, kompetent och inkännande – en mentor som gör skillnad.
Elsa Merhawi
Head of Tenant Representation at JLL Sweden
“Men jag är helt övertygad om att annonsbudgetar kommer att flyttas till Amazon på sikt.”
“Jeff Bezos försvinner ju inte, utan vi kommer fortfarande se ett väldigt starkt inflytande av Bezos mentalitet”
Amazon-experten startar nytt bolag – ”ser inga begränsningar”
“Hur långt kan Amazon dra sin nya kassako utan att skada produkten?”
“Det kommer inte att gå att undvika Amazon”
“Det går bättre än folk tror för Amazon”